Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who's There?

We're on day three of chilly, wind-blown, rainy days. 

In this space between the explosive beauty of the fall and the frenzied madness of the holidays, the world seems to hold its breath.

November in New England is when everything winds down, tucks into itself.   The days are stark and cold; the color bleeds from the sky, and the earth is swathed in shades of grey and brown:

We've been rushing around, barely stopping for a moment.  

Today is a stay-at-home day.. one of sniffles, mild fevers and warm blankets.

And, of course, knock knock jokes.  

Endless  knock knock jokes: 


  1. "Knock knock"
    "Who's there?"
    "Interrupting cow."

    This is MY five-year-old son's latest favorite. And I'm afraid I have only myself to blame for this one. :)

  2. I wonder if it's the age. Maggie loved knock knock jokes at 4, and now Will is constantly doing knock knock jokes with me.

    I have an app on my phone. Tim's Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids (Volumes 1, 2 & 3). Finn would love it.

    Knock Knock
    Who's There?
    Banana Who?
    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Banana who?
    Knock Knock
    Orange WHO??
    Orange you glad I didn't say Banana again??

    I now have over 100 different knock knock I get to hear on a daily basis.

  3. "Knock knock"
    "Who's there?"
    "Interrupting cow."

    This is MY five-year-old son's latest favorite. And I'm afraid I have only myself to blame for this one. :)
