Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  It's not over commercialized (if you don't count the Christmas hype that seems to start right after Halloween) and it is a time to be with family and give thanks for all the gifts in life.

I try to do gratitude lists as often as I can; I find it is a good way to stay centered and focused on all the richness in my life.   When the holiday madness starts, it's all about wish lists - especially with young kids.  I see Thanksgiving as the calm before the storm; a time to reflect on all we DO have, instead of all we wish we had.

And so, here is my gratitude list for this year:

I'm grateful for my childrens' smiles and for their abundant laughter.
I'm grateful for my cozy house.
I'm grateful for my strong, loyal, loving husband.
I'm grateful for my little business, for the gift of creativity.
I'm grateful for blogging, and for all the amazing people it has brought into my life.
I'm grateful for my steadfast, funny, smart friends; they are as important to me as oxygen.
I'm grateful I live close to my family, that we can see each other often, and I'm so, so grateful for all their support during the bad times and the good times.
I'm grateful to be sober, to be present for all life has to offer.

I want to hear what you're grateful for, too.  Leave a comment with what you're grateful for!

Thanksgiving, like any holiday, can be difficult for people who are sober, or who are struggling to get or stay sober.   Actually, it can be difficult for many other reasons, too - if you're struggling with depression, anxiety or with food.  If there are strained relationships in your family, or you have suffered a loss of a loved one.   It can be hard to stay grateful in the face of adversity.

At Crying Out Now we put together a Thanksgiving Survival Guide, and although it is aimed at people who are sober or who are struggling to get sober, it applies to anyone facing challenges over this holiday season.

Please take a moment to stop by and offer your support or add additional suggestions on ways to cope.   You can click on the link above, or go here.    You can comment anonymously, if you wish.   Please come add your voice to the growing number of people who are speaking up and speaking out .  

Together?   Together we can do anything.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.   I'm so very grateful for you, too.



  1. I am so SO grateful for you. You are one of the best things this internet gig has done for me.

    Happy Thanksgiving,dear friend.

  2. Oh, Becky - right back atcha. I am so, so grateful for you, too! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. this year, i am especially thankful for all my hardships in the past. everything i've gone through with my family in the past 9 years has led us to this point- which is where i've always wanted to be. we still have a few things to work on, but i can finally say that i am happy. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I am very grateful for you Ellie. A friend of mine just recently asked me for a few links to send to a good friend of his just getting sober. First and foremost, I sent him Crying Out Now and YOU. I hope you know, at least a little, how much of a help you were and are to me and so many others. Thank you!

    And have a very wonderful Thanksgiving! It's my favorite day of the year and I am having a lovely long - and sober! hee! - weekend, beginning today. Cheers!

  5. I was feeling grateful today, too. Here's my list

  6. I am very grateful for you Ellie. A friend of mine just recently asked me for a few links to send to a good friend of his just getting sober. First and foremost, I sent him Crying Out Now and YOU. I hope you know, at least a little, how much of a help you were and are to me and so many others. Thank you!

    And have a very wonderful Thanksgiving! It's my favorite day of the year and I am having a lovely long - and sober! hee! - weekend, beginning today. Cheers!

  7. I am so SO grateful for you. You are one of the best things this internet gig has done for me.

    Happy Thanksgiving,dear friend.

  8. I am so grateful for YOU :)
    Happy Thanksgiving... thank you for everything. xoxo
    (when did you change your comments??? Has it been that long since I've been here??? Good grief I'm sorry if I get stuck in my reader :))

  9. LOL -- after you left I got messing around with blogger, stumbled on Disqus, and JUST decided to change my comment thingy. Then, of course all the old comments disappeared and I had a heart attack, but then I imported them and they appear to be coming back, slowly. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING. I should know that anytime I'm messing around with code that I'm going to get into TROUBLE. :)


  10. I'm so grateful for a beautiful daughter who is teaching me more about how good life can be!

  11. What am I grateful for?

    I am grateful that my just-turned-three son is finally sleeping almost through the night.
    I am grateful that the view from my office window is of trees, squirrels and a children's play area.
    I am grateful that my husband and I can work flexibly together and we can both spend time with our son.
    I am grateful that I can appreciate my son - he is intelligent, demanding, energetic, curious, sociable, kind.
    I am grateful that our parents get on so well with their grandson - and that the feeling is mutual.

    I am grateful that our business is doing well enough that we can support ourselves and work flexibly - and even consider private education.
    I am grateful for you, Ellie, for speaking the words that I need to hear just at the times I need to hear them.
    I am grateful for friends who pop round for coffee and a playdate.
    I am grateful for good quality chocolate. Oh yes.
    I am grateful for spontaneous hugs and kisses from both the men in my life (the big one and the 3 year old one)
    I am grateful for the cobbler who reheeled my amazing boots and that they are now fabulously fashionable - 20+ years after I bought them. So although I *want* a pair of brown boots, I can be grateful for my gorgeous black ones and feel glamorous in them.
    I am grateful for wheat filled bags that warm in the microwave. I have three. If you haven't got one, then get one. Or make one. Mmmmmm.
    I am grateful that I have been able to take a little time out and think of the things I am grateful for. Thank you Ellie!

  12. Even though I am Canadian (and we hold Thanksgiving in October) I am still grateful. We just spent a week in Destin Florida and I am grateful for daily early morning AA meetings at Buster's Oyster Bar and Grill. I was so very welcome and immediately felt at home. My people are everywhere~~~!!!

  13. What a beautiful list. Thank you!


  14. Beautiful post Melissa! Thank you!

  15. Oh, thank you. Your words warmed my heart. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  16. I loved this. Hooray for getting through the hard times, and hooray for happy!



  17. I've been to Destin, Florida! :) We stayed at this funky little motel called Destin-ations, I think. For some reason Buster's sounds reallllly familiar, too. And yes - we ARE everywhere! :)

