Thursday, November 11, 2010

Becky's Bloggy Bridesmaid's Video - In Which I Live Out A Fantasy

So, Becky is getting married.

Who is Becky, you ask?    If you don't already know her, you should.    She's a bloggy friend of mine, and she is funny and smart and pretty and talented and ... well, you get the idea.  Becky is a bright light -- when I need a lift I go to her blog, or read her tweets, and she is always good for a laugh and a smile.

Ann, of Ann's Rants, got the idea to throw Becky a surprise Bloggy Bridesmaids' shower.   It wasn't a hard sell; this is not a group of introverts.  We jumped at the chance to do a post in honor of her upcoming nuptials.  

I don't know what my fellow bridesmaids are going to do, but I couldn't resist the urge to live out a fantasy of mine:  spend the day with Becky.  Wearing sequins.

C'mon, you can't tell me you don't have a fantasy involving sequins... I know you do.

And so, I bring you this:

** Special thanks to my daughter Greta and her friend Caroline, the best 8 year old videographers money can buy.   Also to Tamara and Steve; you find out who your friends are when you ask them to film you in sequins on a treadmill.  In public.

Congratulations, Becky.  I'm so grateful to call you a friend.  

And please be sure to check out her other Bloggy Bridesmaids' posts, listed below.  These are some of the funniest women on the internet ... so if you're not reading these blogs, you're not laughing enough.  Trust me:

Ann at Ann's Rants

Suzy at Hollywood: Where Hot Comes to Die

Wendi and Kelcey at The Mouthy Housewives

Jessica at BernThis

Amy at I Have More Rocks

Lisa at Smacksy


  1. You're right -- I wasn't laughing enough. Now I will! Thanks for the discovery.

  2. I am dying.

    I love it when you spin Becky. And I love imagining you explaining what you're doing to strangers in public. heh.


  3. I can't even see I'm laughing so hard. Holy shit that was THE FUNNIEST THING EVER!

    Thanks for the lipstick. What a day we had. I'll never forget it.
    I had no idea I was skinny as a stick!

    Love you lady. SO MUCH! Thank you!


    I am completely overwhelmed by my love for this video and my adoration for you.


  5. Unbelievable! I laughed. I cried. I tweeted. I laughed some more. Great stuff!

  6. You are freaking adorably wonderful!!!

  7. You are the coolest!!! I loved the's hysterical!! :)

  8. Brilliant, definitely what good friends are for.

  9. Had to come back and watch this again. Cannot stop laughing.

    Merry go round, especially.

    ALL of it.

  10. HA! Busted! I'm watching it again too. I love the slide. That was so fun. And the Target trip. (I can't believe you brought me to Target and the gym. I'm like Flat Stanley.)

  11. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much! this was fantastic :)

  12. OMG!!!
    That was awesome! I felt the love, the happinesss... And seriously, my fave moment is you in the store with your sequins smelling that pineapple and then letting "Becky" smell, too. LOL!!!

  13. That was too funny! Kudos to your videographers! :)

  14. I love the "strobe" light in your living room. You are so creative. this totally made my Friday night! Becky is lucky to be surrounded by such love!

  15. Ellie,, how the heck did you do THAT?! I can't even change my profile picture. That was awesome. Hilarious!!! Emily

  16. Ellie:

    I couldn't load this video for like six days and finally, tonight, I was able to and I did not stop grinning the entire duration.

    I love your smiles in this!

    Wow! That sounded weirdo-ish!
    But I did.


  17. Ellie:

    I couldn't load this video for like six days and finally, tonight, I was able to and I did not stop grinning the entire duration.

    I love your smiles in this!

    Wow! That sounded weirdo-ish!
    But I did.


  18. You are freaking adorably wonderful!!!

  19. OFF DA HOOK.

    I am completely overwhelmed by my love for this video and my adoration for you.

