Friday, August 13, 2010

New Worlds. And A Question

One of the things I love the most about the blogging is that it expands my world.   Surfing through other peoples' blogs, opening myself up to new thoughts and perspectives, is one of my favorite things to do.

I met a lot of people at BlogHer, and I wish I could have spent more time talking with each of them.  One of the biggest gifts of attending was walking away with new connections.

On my blogroll (to the right) I link to my daily reads.   I wanted to take a minute to introduce you to some new people - talented, warm, lovely women.   Take a moment to check them out, you won't be disappointed:

Alex, from Late Enough
Sarah and Jen from Momalom
Laura from The Hollywood Housewife
Jessica from The Mom Creative
Cheryl from Mommypants
Lora from A Fever (words) and The Urbanity (photos)
Christine from Coffees and Commutes
Kim from Prairie Mama
Kristen from Rage Against the Minivan
Esther from She Posts
Kalisa from The One In Heels
Lisa from Smacksy
Ann from Ann's Rants
Lindsey from A Design So Vast

And I have a question - what are your favorite blogs, and why?    I'm always looking for new worlds to explore.


  1. You've listed some of my favorites here! Other than that, always makes me laugh, and always makes me think. On I find photographs and words that touch me at a very deep place.

  2. Lindsey! I knew there was someone I forgot to put on my list. I love your blog. I've been jotting down names for three days now, but I knew I would forget someone important. Glad you commented! Thanks for the recommendations, too!

  3. I like Healthy Tipping Point and her companion site, Operation Beautiful:

    Since I love to hike I read who's in the Boston area and blogs about lightweight hiking, and out on the West Coast which makes me want to go to Oregon.

  4. Just saying I like your new digs here :) Love the header...

  5. love the new format!!

    my favorites include:

    and of course many you've already mentioned or people that have commented. lovely post :)

  6. This one of the first blogs I ever read...she is friggin hillarious.

  7. aw, thanks for including me.

    and i am so excited that blogher has introduced me to all these new and wonderful blogs!

  8. Thank you for including me. I LOVE the new look over here.

  9. Thanks for including me in such lovely company.
    I am blowing you kisses. (Please rub them in.)

  10. What a wonderful group of bloggers mentioned here! Now I have even more to read... It's amazing that I get any work done at all!

  11. I just found your blog and I really like it! Especially the fact that you take time to visit blogs and actually seem to genuinely take a look at them.

    One blog that have come close to my heart is:

    WHY? - The blogs author, Wendy, shares her everyday ups and downs in a humorous, honest and well written manner.

    I find that to give is the greatest gift you can give yourself!


  12. I met and am now in love with Post Picket Fences (Darcy) and Carolyn...Online

    you'll just have to google... :)

  13. So stoked to see that somebody already mentioned Meg Casey. I've read her for years but find most people don't know about her. She's lovely.

    I've also got to put a plug in for SweetSalty Kate, and Bon from Crib Chronicles. They're kind of my measuring stick.

    My own blog roll mysteriously disappeared from my blog a few months ago and I can't figure out how to get it back. My badges are also linking to the wrong pages. Wonky. So off the top of my head I know I'm forgetting tons. I'll let you know as I think of more.

  14. A few favs other than the lovlies you listed ... and Wonderful, beautiful women write there.
    And, I'm so glad I found your blog. I didn't realize even though you and I have spoken via email about orders from your shop

  15. So stoked to see that somebody already mentioned Meg Casey. I've read her for years but find most people don't know about her. She's lovely.

    I've also got to put a plug in for SweetSalty Kate, and Bon from Crib Chronicles. They're kind of my measuring stick.

    My own blog roll mysteriously disappeared from my blog a few months ago and I can't figure out how to get it back. My badges are also linking to the wrong pages. Wonky. So off the top of my head I know I'm forgetting tons. I'll let you know as I think of more.
