Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spring/Summer Collection!

I haven't listed any new items in my shop in a long time, so I'm excited to roll out some new pieces for my spring/summer collection! 

My new favorite - The Raindrop Earrings:

Rings made from rare buttons!   The Lotus Ring (only one available):

From the elegant to the whimsical - the Wildflower Ring:

For all you Strong Women out there - the Twisted Sister Necklace.    Onyx symbolizes strength, tenacity and determination. It is a grounding stone that can be used to deflect the negativity of others; it is a good protection stone, used to ward off toxic influences:


I'm so excited about this semi-precious stone:  rare Matrix Jasper.  The Tangled Up In Blue Bracelet:

Some beautiful new summer earrings:  Juicy Lime and Palest Lavender:

A new look for an old favorite - the Black Raspberry Pearl Necklace:

And, finally, a new Tree of Life Pendant:

Click on the links see these and other new listings in my Etsy shop.  And remember, for newsletter subscribers everything is 20% for the month of June!   To subscribe to my newsletter, please see the righthand sidebar, or send me an email at

Thanks for looking!


  1. I will definitely be back after payday....there are so many new good ones to pick from! :)

  2. Oooh love the 'tangled up in blue' bracelet - the catch is really unusual.

    There's an award for you over at mine if you're interested. It comes complete with a mini interview....

  3. The Tangled Up In Blue bracelet is incredible! (as they all are...)
    Hmmm.... ;)

  4. OMG, I love the wild flower ring. That is amazing! And the prices... seriously you could triple them! I really wish I was in a place right now to buy something. Hopefully soon. I'm really tired of being broke :( So don't triple your prices, even though you could, because one day soon I'll be shopping!

  5. I just may have to postpone paying the kids tuition this week!! I love love the raindrop earrings, the lotus ring & palest lavender earrings. Tangled up in blue is going to be added to my favorites.
