Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'll Have Some Serenity To Go, Please

As you can see from that last post, I'm practically brimming over with serenity.

Speaking of serenity, I want to announce the brain-child of Maggie and Heather - The Serenity Suite at BlogHer '10.  

This is my first trip to BlogHer, an annual blogging conference for women, but Maggie and Heather are veterans, and they were talking a while back about all the carrying-on and boondoggle nonsense (yes, it's a word - it's an old fashioned way of saying people will be drinking their faces off) that goes on there.

Several conversations and more brainstorming sessions later, and the Serenity Suite was born.   

It's a safe, calm, boondoggle-free place for people to go to get away from the craziness of the conference.    A bunch of us serene bloggers have signed up to host shifts there, so there will always be someone there to welcome a weary conference goer with quiet conversation, a hug, or a pleasant cup of tea or coffee.      We'll have more information about it as we get closer to the conference, but if you're going to BlogHer, please be sure to stop by and say hello!

Heather describes it better than I did over at her blog, so click here for more details, including the list of the wonderful people who will be hosting the Suite.  We're always looking for more people to help out, too, so if you want to host (it would amount to an hour or two per day and no more) let me know!

And a quick follow-up from yesterday's post:  today is a new day, and a fresh perspective.  Finn is feeling better, and my car will be fixed by noon today.    Yesterday afternoon I decided the day was a wash, lost myself in a trashy murder mystery and went to bed early.    I woke today, rested and refreshed, with a shiny new outlook, and thoughts of a drink or a fistful of chips seem very far away.  

One day at a time, right?

Thanks to everyone for your supportive comments and emails.  

You guys rock.


  1. No, YOU rock! I love how you take it one day at a time! I'm not a drinker, never had those trials, but I love your attitude and am trying to use them in my own life for my OWN set of trials! We all have them, don't we?
    As soon as I have some cash, I'm totally ordering jewelery! Your stuff is so beautiful!
    The only thing is, I don't like BIG rings, so I was wondering if you have a selection of smaller stones? My fav - so far - is the Perfect Pearl ring.... and it appears to be smaller pearls (I have no idea how big 4mm is! :) And if I order that ring, what necklace and/or earrings would you suggest? See, I'm already planning and money is still not here! sigh.....

  2. Thank you, Marlene! :)

    If you like smaller jewelry, the Perfect Pearl Ring is, ahem, Perfect! 4mm is smaller than a pea, so even with three pearls it is very delicate and feminine. There is a pretty necklace that matches it that isn't currently listed in my shop (gotta get to that) - it is a simple freshwater pearl in a coin shape, about the size of a dime (or a penny if you want it a little bigger) that hangs on a sterling silver chain. Very simple, but very feminine and pretty. It's the most popular item that I sell out of my home shop (I call it the Catherine necklace, because my friend Catherine was the first to wear it and everyone liked it so much on her they ordered it for themselves). That's one idea. Or you can design just about anything!

    Thanks again for your comment - it made me smile. :)


  3. Glad things are looking better today. I, for one, am always in favor of ending a bad day with an early bed time. A trashy novel is never a bad idea, either. Serenity comes in all sorts of packages.

  4. Thank you for doing this post, lady.

    I'm catching up on my blog reading-I'm so glad your new days was shinier :)

  5. Glad things are looking better today. I, for one, am always in favor of ending a bad day with an early bed time. A trashy novel is never a bad idea, either. Serenity comes in all sorts of packages.

  6. Thank you, Marlene! :)

    If you like smaller jewelry, the Perfect Pearl Ring is, ahem, Perfect! 4mm is smaller than a pea, so even with three pearls it is very delicate and feminine. There is a pretty necklace that matches it that isn't currently listed in my shop (gotta get to that) - it is a simple freshwater pearl in a coin shape, about the size of a dime (or a penny if you want it a little bigger) that hangs on a sterling silver chain. Very simple, but very feminine and pretty. It's the most popular item that I sell out of my home shop (I call it the Catherine necklace, because my friend Catherine was the first to wear it and everyone liked it so much on her they ordered it for themselves). That's one idea. Or you can design just about anything!

    Thanks again for your comment - it made me smile. :)

