Monday, May 31, 2010

What A Difference A Year Makes

One year.

One year ago today I plunked down in front of my computer and Googled "how to start a blog". Several people had suggested I start a blog to support my jewelry business. So I stumbled my way to Blogger, set up an account, and thought - quite literally - here goes nothing.

I thought I was going to post about new pieces of jewelry, promotions in my shop, maybe a word or two about creativity, and a couple of cute vignettes about the kids. I never thought I'd write about me. I certainly never thought anyone would ever read it. Maybe because I thought nobody would ever see it, I felt comfortable flexing my muscles a bit, exploring unchartered waters.

I started writing about recovery, and I realized something quickly: I felt better. Purging my thoughts onto the page was therapeutic, cathartic. Just shy of two years sober, it helped me sort through my fledging thoughts and feelings.

A few months into it, I questioned myself. I wondered: is blogging just an over-inflated ego run rampant? Do I think too much of myself? Who am I to think anyone would ever care about anything I have to say? As more readers showed up, I became fearful; I felt vulnerable, exposed.   I was questioned, sometimes criticized outright, about balancing writing about my addiction and recovery and maintaining humility.  Several times in the first four or five months I came close to shutting it down.

I am so very glad I didn't. Not because of me, though.

What I never could have anticipated was the unbelievable community I would find here in the blogosphere. The very real friendships I would make. Total strangers reaching out to each other through the pixilated world of the internet, offering virtual hugs, shoulders to cry on, and resounding cheers.

It is hard for me to believe that one year ago I didn't know Heather, Maggie, Stefanie, Hope, Angelynn, Robin or Corinne. They are kindred spirits in recovery, loving mothers, brave souls and incredible writers.      I stand in awe of their courage, their honesty and their gorgeous words.   

One year ago I didn't know the brave women on the Booze Free Brigade, started by Stefanie and Sweet Jane.    The overpowering love and support on this board props me up, helps to keep me afloat.    I witness real, live miracles there every single day.    Stay strong, sisters.

One year ago there was no Crying Out Now, where women come and share their experience, strength and hope in the fight against addiction - a fight we come closer to winning with each and every story.   One year ago Robin and Val, my co-moderators, weren't a part of my life.   Now I can't imagine what my life would be like without them.

Blogging has changed the way I metabolize my world.   When I started out, I would keep lists of cute things the kids said, things I thought were newsworthy or unusually poignant.   Now I just find a quiet moment and sit, stare at the blank page, and let the thoughts and feelings come.   I start typing, and I see where it takes me.   I find myself remembering moments that otherwise would have slipped away, unnoticed, trampled underfoot with the swift passage of time.

I am uncomfortable with the term "readers", because all of you who comment here mean so much more to me than that.   Your words of support and wisdom never cease to astound me.    I learn from you every day, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming into my world, taking a moment or two to offer your insight and advice, and for sharing a bit of yourself along the way.   

I thought I would get caught up in needing approval, and to some degree that is inevitable, I think.    There have been more than a few times when, after hitting "publish", I wanted to go hide under a table, afraid.    I brace myself for criticism, cynicism, or mean-spiritedness.    But blogging has also taught me how to find my inner voice, the one that speaks from the heart and doesn't worry about what the world will think.    Coming from an alcoholic who only sought external approval for most of her life, this is an immeasurable blessing.    I'm learning how to be okay with people not being okay with everything I say or do.    I'm growing a backbone.

Thank you to my family for supporting me, especially to you, Mom and Dad, for standing shoulder to shoulder with me as I put myself out there in the world.  

And an extra special thank you to my good friend Damomma.    Your friendship, support, and honesty mean the world to me.

Thank you, all of you, for enriching my life, making me cry, laugh, and cheer.    I am so very grateful.


  1. Thank you so much for this blog - ready about your journey through recovery has helped me more than you can know. I have one year next Sunday, and at this point I just keep crying in joy and disbelief - your blog gives me even more hope for my future. Thank you.

  2. Anne - thank you. And CONGRATS on your sobriety - one year is HUGE. And yes, the joy and disbelief are wonderful, aren't they?

  3. Reading your blog has been helpful for me too Ellie. I recognise so many of the things you talk about - and I thought it was just me you know? I haven't really 'come out' on my own blog yet. Not sure what to say, or how to do it, and I worry about whether it is emotionally safe for me to share to that extent - but I think that reading and commenting on here takes me further towards being able to. So thank you.

  4. I am so grateful that our paths have crossed. I never planned on writing about recovery when I started either. And that sitting in front of a blank page and writing? It's amazing sometimes what happens when we do that. And sometimes all that comes out are what Anne Lamott calls shitty first drafts. I never thought I'd be okay with those and blogging has helped me do just that.
    Hugs to you today.

  5. Happy blogoversary :)
    SO glad you're here, sharing, empowering, and just being you!

  6. Happy anniversary! I have been reading since the day Damomma posted the link to your first post, and am so happy she did :) You are a wonderful story-teller!

  7. What a wonderful post! Congrats to you on your 1 year anniversary. I also want to join the ranks and say thank you for sharing your story.

  8. This was so beautiful Ellie. You are an amazing woman. You've inspired me. You gave me a place to find my voice ( when I was convinced I never would. I'm so thankful we met. I can't believe we haven't even known each other for a year. It seems like you've always been in my life. Congratulations on your anniversary. I'm looking forward to many more. xoxo

  9. And we couldn't be more happy that you're here. It seems like MUCH more than a year ago, when I first started (secretly) reading you, lurking around with a glass of wine in hand. I'm so glad I put that glass down and grew a friendship with you. I can't WAIT for August. I know that spending time with you is going to be such an amazing experience.
    It's hard to explain blogging, isn't it? But here we are, and I truly believe it serves us well.

    Love you.

  10. Thank you for sharing "you" with "us." It has definitely helped with my recovery!! Congrats on 1 year. :)

  11. What everyone else said! Ellie, you have helped me so many times in so many ways. Your bravery boosts me up when i'm feeling vulnerable myself. I know we're doing the right thing and I'm thrilled to be trudging the road of happy happy destiny with you.

  12. Happy Anniversary! And thank you for teaching us all so much!

    Lots of love to you, and keep up the wonderful effort!

  13. Huuuuugs! Thank you so much for everything :)

  14. Ellie I started reading your blog only just barley a month ago.I can not even put into words what your Blog has done for me.I am so thankful for your wonderful posts.the kindness you have shown to me in the past few weeks has help get me through My first 22 days. thank you and happy anniversary.

  15. Right back atcha, Ellie! I can't imagine my life without you or without everything I have found through you. Checking in with the BFB helps me stay grounded throughout the day. Sharing my story and helping to share the stories of others on Crying Out Now. Reaching out to the audience of Baby on Bored. I was just thinking about you and Robin the other day and how in my mind and heart we are as good of friends as if we had actually met and spent years together. I carry you and many other brave women with me everyday and you all give me strength. The miracle is that the truth I was so afraid of admitting and the people I was so afraid of being "one of" are now the most important part of my life. Thank you for being with me on my journey.

  16. Awe shucks, El. It's all just so much better with you in it.

  17. So glad I could be a part of this El -- And for having met you some 38 years ago..

  18. I can't believe you've only been in this space a year. There's something about your unique eloquence and integrity that makes it feel so much longer. Your cool, steady voice, your generosity and level-headedness, your hard-won inner strength--these are your gifts to me, and to the entire blogosphere, and you are using them so well. I'm honored and grateful to know you.

  19. Great post, but you forgot to mention how lucky we all are to know you!

  20. Ellie, your posts offer me an enormous insight into some of the same crazies I have, as a child of an alcoholic. I really, really, appreciate what you offer here.

    Also, Finn makes me snort. :)

  21. Happy anniversary! I love your writing, thank you so much for sharing it.

  22. Ellie I started reading your blog only just barley a month ago.I can not even put into words what your Blog has done for me.I am so thankful for your wonderful posts.the kindness you have shown to me in the past few weeks has help get me through My first 22 days. thank you and happy anniversary.

  23. Happy anniversary! I have been reading since the day Damomma posted the link to your first post, and am so happy she did :) You are a wonderful story-teller!

  24. And we couldn't be more happy that you're here. It seems like MUCH more than a year ago, when I first started (secretly) reading you, lurking around with a glass of wine in hand. I'm so glad I put that glass down and grew a friendship with you. I can't WAIT for August. I know that spending time with you is going to be such an amazing experience.
    It's hard to explain blogging, isn't it? But here we are, and I truly believe it serves us well.

    Love you.
