Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Gifts of Sobriety

Three years ago, on Mother's Day, we were driving to my sister-in-law's for a mid-day lunch.

The thought of an entire day without alcohol was terrifying to me, so I snuck wine in my purse.   We stopped at a local chocolate shop, and while Steve was inside picking up a gift for his Mom, I snuck a sip from the bottle.   When he came back into the car, he immediately knew I had been drinking, grabbed my purse and found my stash.

He didn't yell or scream - the kids were in the backseat - he simply turned around and drove me home.   As he kicked me out of the car he said, calmly, "Why don't you stay home with your booze.  It's where you want to be anyway,"   and drove off with the kids.   On the way back to his sister's, he threw the Mother's Day cards from him and the kids out the window.


This morning I opened my eyes, rested and refreshed, to a glorious spring morning.   I could hear the kids making breakfast with Steve downstairs, and I took a moment to listen to the birds chirping, the newly blossomed leaves rustling in the wind:

A few minutes later, I heard the kids padding up the stairs, and two little voices said, "Momma?  You awake?"    I peeked over the covers and saw this:

(Greta's stomach says "Oobi stay always".  Don't ask - I don't know either)

They hopped into bed with me, chanting "Happy' Mother's Day, Momma!"     Perfection.

Me, first thing in the morning.   I know, I'm brave.  

Today, I said a prayer of thanks.   Every sober day is a gift, and I am truly blessed.  

Happy Mother's Day, everyone.


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Yes, you are brave. Mind you, your hair looks like it is already fixed. Mine is still standing straight up in the air. Have a great day!

  2. I love that..I also got breakfast in bed. Nothing better than being sober, espeiclly on Mothers day to remind me of the gift of Motherhood.

  3. Today probably meant more to you since you were sober enough to enjoy it. I am so happy for you! Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Awesome! Greta and Finn rule! And you look pretty damn good first thing in the morning. - Karin in CT

  5. Looks like a great start to the day. And you look TOTALLY skinny!

  6. I can relate. I had a particularly humiliating Mother's Day that same year, for similar reasons. So glad that today is different. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful for my best Mother's Day gift.

  7. Happy Mother's Day! That is an awesome photo of the three of you in bed. It reminds me I need to take more pictures WITH my kids instead of OF my kids :D

  8. Thanks for the nice comments, everyone - hope you all had a good Mother's Day, too.

    And Konnie - OMG thank you for saying I look skinny. I could kiss you. But first let me get some makeup on.

  9. Happy Mother's Day! That is an awesome photo of the three of you in bed. It reminds me I need to take more pictures WITH my kids instead of OF my kids :D
