Thursday, November 3, 2011

Taking A Break

Things lately have been really tough, in ways that I'm not ready to talk about here, yet.

I'm pulling back, taking a break.  Right now my focus needs to be on my family and my recovery. 

I'm still in the throes of crippling anxiety, and it has put my recovery in jeopardy.  I'm getting medical help for the anxiety, but it's a slow process, and I hope to have some answers soon. 

In the meantime, I need to focus on my recovery in a non-public way.  Sometimes it helps to talk things out here, but sometimes it becomes too draining for me, and it makes me lose focus on the really important things in my life, or distracts me from doing the hard work I need to be doing on myself.

I still don't have all the answers to the medical problems I have been talking about; I hope to have some soon.  I'm surrounded by loving family and friends.  I'm in good, capable hands.

I'm not shutting the blog down, but I'm going to step away for a while.  I will focus my online energies on Crying Out Now, so if you're here to read or learn more about addiction and recovery, I strongly encourage you to head over there read those brave, inspiring words. 

I'll be back; I just don't know when. 

I treasure all of you and your words of encouragement and support you've given me over this difficult time, so thank you - from the bottom of my heart.



  1. hugs Ellie. Good for you for knowing when to step back and when to let go. I'll be praying for you.

  2. I just wanted you to know the I read this, and am sending you love. xo

  3. Good luck, God bless, take care and know that people are praying for you!

  4. I'm thinking of you, Ellie.
    You have been such an inspiration to me, your words a source of strength and your life story a testament to love and endurance. I wish only the best for you.
    Each day I wear my Shining Stones jewelry will be a prayer for your wellness. Big {hugs} your way.

  5. Ellie - thanks so much for posting, I know it was hard for you but all of us out here love you so much and appreciate you updating us today. Know that you are loved by us and we're here for you whenever you feel like you can post again. We love you no matter what

  6. Oh, hon, I hope things get better for you very, very soon! I know you are in good hands, but I am also thinking of you. Keep us posted on how things are going when you can. I will be anxiously awaiting your return!

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Ellie. I can only imagine how draining the last few months have been for you.

    Take care.

  8. hugs and comforting thoughts are being sent your way. I hope everything gets better soon. Lean on that awesome family of yours. Praying for you!

  9. I was JUST thinking today how I hadn't seen your face in my stream for a while. Missing you, but also so glad that you are doing what is right for your health. We'll be here when you get back.

    I understand anxiety Ellie. Oh how I do. Please know I'm here for you any time you want to talk. Any. Time.

  10. so glad to see you taking care of you, god always meets us where we're at. i know you'll come back stronger than ever. sending love and light your way ms ellie

  11. It's so important to listen to that inner voice that tells us to make space for the important. Best wishes as you work through this part of your journey.

  12. You are so brave and true. All best.

  13. Sending you healing energy and peace, Beautiful Soul. Take good care of yourself.

  14. this is good, knowing when enough is enough. and so are you--so good, and I love you.

  15. May this time bring you peace and all else that you need in order to be happy. I will look forward to your return on your own time frame.

  16. All my best to you and your recovery and health issues...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,
    Peace and love,
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  17. Oh Ellie. I keep hoping you're doing better. I will keep praying for a turnaround for you. It will happen; I have hope. Much, much love.

  18. Ellie, you're in my thoughts. Take all the time you need. We'll still be here xx

  19. Will be holding you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Lee Ann

  20. We'll be here for you when you come back.

    Take care of you!!

  21. You deserve a break. Honesty can be exhausting! I'm holding you tight in my thoughts.

  22. I hope everything goes better for you soon, Ellie. I'm sending you good vibes. Take care.

  23. Love and Prayers from Charleston, Ellie!! Thinking of you....If I can do anything for you here I will.

  24. See? We ALL love you and will hold you in our hearts and prayers until you feel like popping in to say hi. Take care of yourself and your family...stay strong. You can get through ANYTHING God throws at you because you have faith and strength. And you know that it will only make you stronger on the other side.

  25. I wish you wellness! Thank you for your inspiring words. They have helped me on so many occasions. Breathe, rest, and be loved...
