Sunday, November 13, 2011

Moment By Moment

I'm having my tonsils out tomorrow.

After a series of tests on the swollen lymph node in my neck, with a diagnosis of 'abnormal cells' in both my left tonsil and in the lymph node, my doctor decided to take my tonsils out.  This will allow him to do more tests on the tissue, to hopefully determine what is going on.

The surgery is outpatient, and if all goes well I will be home tomorrow evening.  I'm told to expect a recuperation period of one to two weeks.

As I've written about recently, this all hits on ground zero of my lifelong fear of doctors, health problems, and surgery (which I've never even had before, I've just always been afraid of it). I've been dealing with this for  more than a month now, and although I'm scared about tomorrow, I'm ready.

I spent today getting everything organized: all the laundry is clean, folded and put away.  The fridge is stocked with a week's worth of food.  I've lined up help for the kids - play dates and rides to their activities for a full week.  The house is sparkling clean.   Keeping busy is good; it helps me keep my mind in the moment.

I've spent a lot of time praying, trying to keep my heart and mind open, to hear and feel the messages this challenge is meant to teach me.  All my life I've suffered with this irrational fear, and pushing through this is stretching me in uncomfortable ways.  Practicing acceptance and living in the moment is so much easier when life is sailing along predictably.  The past month has forced me to sit with fear, to find gratitude in the smallest things, to pull my mind into the present moment when it threatens to spin into that place of awfulizing, of certainty that the worst will happen.

As difficult as it has been, I can feel myself growing.  I understand more now about how powerful the desire to control the uncontrollable really is, how my mind likes to travel down the familiar ruts of anxiety and fear.  I'm digging new paths, and it's hard.  It's worth it, though, and I believe that I'll emerge on the other side of this tough patch having learned important things about myself, my faith, my ability to let go, to trust and to ask for help.

I'm noticing the small everyday gifts life gives, feeling my heart swell with joy over the simplest things.  I'm hugging my kids a little tighter.  I'm embracing the love and support from my family and friends with overwhelming gratitude.  I am blessed in so many ways.

I am doing my best to stay in the moment.  When my mind drifts towards fear, towards worry about the test results, towards pain, suffering and uncertainty, I throw up my hands and surrender.  What happens next is not up to me.  All anxiety and fear do is pollute the moments I have right here, right now. 

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me, offered words of comfort, support and prayer.  I appreciate it more than words can say.

I'm off to wallow in my family.  Moment by moment.


  1. Best of luck to you as you travel this unfamiliar path to better health. May your surgeon’s hands be sure and competent and guided by the Universal Healing Power which encompasses all of us on our journey thru life.

  2. Pushing sweet vibes your way, my friend. xo

  3. Hugs and prayers, my sober sister.

  4. I will pray that your surgery goes well tomorrow.

  5. Holding you tight in my prayers...

  6. This guided imagery for surgery audio helped me so much. I hope you'll consider it.

  7. I'm glad to read that you are ready and it seems that you are in a good place to move forward to the next step. I pray that all will be much better than you have I'm sure that your imagination has been working overtime.

  8. Prayers that you will be surrounded by wonderful healers tomorrow. I know it seems a strange thought, but I hope you can enjoy tomorrow, enjoy the people who come to you to care for you. Trust that each on has been chosen for you and for your care that day.

    All shall be well. :)

  9. Praying my friend, thanks for letting us know what's happening.

  10. Hoping after tomorrow your body's path is toward healing--and especially your soul.

    LOVE to you.

  11. I really understand this, Ellie. The fear and the panic that's quelled by being tired -- and ready -- to move on.

    I know it will be OK, but I also know you need to walk through it yourself. Even though I'm here, praying.


  12. Sending you all kinds of love for a peaceful day tomorrow, the outcome you need to hear and a recovery that is even easier than you imagine. Wrapping you in hugs from a distance. xoxo

  13. Love and more love for you, graceful one.

  14. Thing of you and sending comfort and peace!


  15. Hi there Ellie.....I will be thinking of you today and praying for a surgery and healing that goes smoothly. Love and peace and serenity to you during this time.

  16. You're in my thoughts and prayers, Ellie.

    No doubt everything will go smoothly today and I wish you a mellow and peaceful recovery. Hugs to you!



  17. Thinking of you, Ellie, and saying prayers for your speedy recovery and continued strength on your journey. Huge {hugs} to you.

  18. Sending you big warm healthy thoughts!

    love to you!

  19. Good luck Ellie, I have been thinking of you this month and will think of you today! You have been and continue to be such an inspiration in your willingness to embrace vulnerability and uncertainty, and to say when things are hard and own that wholeheartedly. Love and support to you today!

  20. Tonsils.....sounded like kid-stuff til you went into more detail. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate crying out loud, your efforts, and the efforts of those you've encouraged.

  21. Tonsils...ugh. You don't realize how much you swallow until you have strep or your tonsils out. I hope your surgery went well and you are recuperating. Thinking of you, praying for your health and resolution soon. Hugs.

    Atomic Momma

  22. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you, and hope that your recovery is going smoothly!

  23. I could swear I have been checking you blog daily, but I sure missed this one. Hope you are well and hope thta you stocked up on ice cream, it not only tastes good, it even feels good on the throat.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Tonsiectomies ae the pits!!!


    Mike L

  24. Oh Ellie, I am so sorry. Anything you need friend, I am here. Prayers being sent heavenward for you.
