Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ask Away!

One of my favorite bloggers, Corinne of Trains, Tutus and Teatime, posted this idea, and I loved it, so I'm totally copying her.   

She did an "open book" question and answer post.   I get lots of questions in comments and over emails, and I try to answer each one, but it's tough to really get into it in the comment section, and for many reasons people are shy about emailing (but don't be).   If you have a question about drinking, addiction or recovery and you don't want to identify yourself, you can comment anonymously.  

So I'd like to have my own open book question and answer session - you ask and I'll answer.    Anything - be it about addiction & recovery (by far the most frequent questions I get), parenting, jewelry, me, weight loss - all the things I talk about on this blog.   Or anything else you are curious about and never commented on. 

It feels a little self-indulgent to do this, and perhaps it is, but I'm curious.  Sometimes I feel like I go on and on in this blog without a lot of direction, and if there are things you want me to touch on more, please let me know.   As Corinne said - I'm an open book!   Ask away.    I'll respond to your questions in a couple of days, for my next post.  

And if nobody comments or asks anything, I'm cool with that, too.     I think.  

If you do nothing else, be sure to check out Corinne's beautiful blog - she is an incredible writer, an accomplished photographer and a sister in sobriety.     You won't be disappointed.



  1. Great idea! I'm too chicken to post with my link, because I want to ask about drinking (I have my own reasons, but we don't have all day so I'll get right to the question).

    Was there a point where you knew without a doubt that you had a problem with drinking? If you did, at that moment did you think you were an alcoholic, or did you think you were a problem drinker? Also (again, if you had that moment) did you think you would end up sober or did you believe you could control it?

  2. Did you go to college? What did you major in?

  3. Do you have one favorite piece of jewelry that you make? Or a top three?

  4. I didn't think I'd have a question for you, but an hour after reading your post on your crisis about the rum drinks, a question came to me. (You might have mentioned it before but:) Has your husband stopped drinking entirely since you stopped drinking? Or does he still drink socially?

  5. I'm giving birth to my first baby on Sept 7th. What are people not telling me about how awful it's going to be?

  6. You are far too kind with your words, lady :) I'm so humbled!

    I'm wondering... what color tutu will you be running in at the BlogHer 5k? ;) And how's it coming? Will you give us a preview??

  7. What city/state did you grow up in?

  8. What made you decide to be open/public about your recovery?

  9. ok i'm asking more than one so sorry in advance :)

    how'd you come up with your kids names?

    favorite book?

    what inspired you to make jewelry?

  10. on facebook/twitter/etc. i often see status updates that say something like "gosh i need a drink" or "settling down for the night with a glass of wine!" do statements like that bother you, and do you try to distance yourself from people who update like that frequently?

  11. Tell me it will be okay.

    If I quit.

  12. Have you noticed any financial benefits to quitting?

  13. How did you handle pregnancy and abstaining?

  14. Hi Ellie-

    Not a question, but I saw this and thought it might interest you!

  15. Not an addict (well, chocolate), but a child of an alcoholic and with an addictive personality. So, what I want to know is, how do you cope with all the stress of life, the universe and everything now that you're not drinking? What helps most?

  16. Some people feel alcoholism has a genetic component to it - what are your thoughts on this? Do you talk about alcoholism with your kids yet? Or if you don't, do you have thoughts on if/how you will in the future?

  17. Hi Ellie-

    Not a question, but I saw this and thought it might interest you!

  18. Tell me it will be okay.

    If I quit.

  19. You are far too kind with your words, lady :) I'm so humbled!

    I'm wondering... what color tutu will you be running in at the BlogHer 5k? ;) And how's it coming? Will you give us a preview??

  20. I didn't think I'd have a question for you, but an hour after reading your post on your crisis about the rum drinks, a question came to me. (You might have mentioned it before but:) Has your husband stopped drinking entirely since you stopped drinking? Or does he still drink socially?
