Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Sale and The Bubble Hour

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a few bits of business to talk to you about today!

The first is I'm having a ONE DAY only Black Friday 10% off sale (ends today, Nov. 23rd at midnight).  Shop for Holiday gifts without even leaving your chair!

To make it even easier, I've made a whole section of my shop with fifty (50!) Holiday Gift Ideas.  Click here to view them.  Here is a sampling of items available in my shop:

To take advantage of the 10% off Black Friday sale, select the item(s) you wish to purchase, and during the checkout process you will see a place to enter a coupon code, and enter: blackfriday12

Just a reminder that shipping is ALWAYS FREE in my shop.  Even internationally.

For those of you who are newsletter subscribers, you already have your own special discount, and you can continue to take advantage of that until November 30th.

If you're not a newsletter subscriber and you want access to these special discounts (a new one each month) enter your email in the widget on the right hand sidebar that says "Subscribe to Shining Stones' Newsletter", and click here.  After you enter your email on the form YOU NEED TO VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT BY GOING TO YOUR EMAIL.  (I wrote that in full caps because lots of people forget this last step and then get upset with me that they didn't get their newsletter).    I only send them once a month or if I have a special announcement, which happens very rarely (although I do have one coming up, probably in January, as I'm working on a super secret project).

Lastly, I am really excited about a new endeavor I'm working on with the fabulous Lisa N.  It's for Crying Out Now, and we have created a radio "show" that is available to listen to on Crying Out Now, or as a podcast!  So far we only have two episodes, but we'll be doing them at least weekly, so expect many more!

The show is called The Bubble Hour (you need to listen to Episode 1 to find out why it's called the Bubble Hour :), and the concept behind it is to create another tool for people who are trying to get or stay sober to use during those tougher hours of the day.  During the witching hour, for example, if you're craving a drink and just want to hear comforting words from sober women you can identify with, click on a podcast or two and listen away!  Stick your ear buds in and listen while you're cooking dinner!

There are two ways to listen.  You can go to this tab here on CON's website, and it will direct you to how to listen on Blog Talk Radio's website.

Or you can subscribe to our podcast by following these instructions:

Go to iTunes, click on menu item "Advanced" and click on "Subscribe to podcast" and enter the following URL: 

Then go to your personal iTunes account, under podcasts, and you will see all episodes in the The Bubble Hour podcast list.

So there we have it!  A way to save some money on your holiday shopping, and a cool new podcast!  

I'd love it if you'd help me spread the word about both by Facebooking or Tweeting about this, not just for the Black Friday sale but also for the podcast - you may not even know who you'd be helping.  

Thanks so very much, as always, for all your support.