Tuesday, April 20, 2010

As Finn Sees It

Saturday morning Finn got mad and yelled at me - something to the effect that I'm stupid and he won't ever speak to me again.    Steve and I sent him, crying, to his room.   After ten minutes we told him he could come back downstairs.

We were sipping coffee at the kitchen table, and Finn shuffled in, looking sad and contrite.

"I don't think you're stupid, Momma,"  he said.   "I apologize."

Steve and I stared at him, agape; we had never heard him say that before.

"Thanks, Bud," Steve said.  "Good for you, it's important to apologize."

Finn beamed, proud of himself, and looked at the floor.  After a moment looked up and said, "Momma?  What is apologize?  I don't even know what that means!"


I'm on the Jenny Craig weight loss program, but I have tried not to use the word "diet" around the kids.   I've been calling it "Operation Get Healthy".     But somehow the word leaked out, because as we sat down to dinner the other night, Finn glanced at my Jenny Craig meal and salad and said, "Mom, are you still on your die-off?"

A much better word for it, if you ask me.


Finn is big for his age.   At four and a half, he weighs 45 lbs and is 44" tall.  

We were at the playground, and he marched right up to another boy about his age and said "do you want to play wif me?"

The boy looked at him uncertainly and said, "But I'm four, and you are older."

Finn smiled, and said, "Dat's okay, I'm four too.   But everybody thinks I'm six!"     He raised his arm like he's making a muscle.  "See dis?" he said.  "Dat's my muscle!  It's from eating broccoli!"


Finn wanted to go to the park wearing this:

And, he said he cleaned his face:


Finn and I took a nap yesterday.   It is school vacation week, Greta was at a friend's house, and it was the perfect afternoon to curl up on my sun splashed bed and go to sleep. 

He snuggled into me, and reached up to stroke my hair.

"I love you, Momma,"  he said. 

I sighed with happiness, and said "I love you too, Finn."

He put his hand on my cheek, and said, "I will always love you, you know.   Even when I'm a teenagah, I say 'dude' and I'm mad a lot."

"I will always love you, too,"  I said.  "Even when you're a teenager and you're mad a lot."

"Thanks, Dude"  he said.


  1. Oh, I hope you let him go to the park like that. The kid's got some serious style.


  2. Oh, for the love of Boys! That 'clean' face? So true.
    And my big boy is Big, too! About that same height / weight. I remember when he was 3 and not quite potty trained and I was nervous changing his diaper in a public bathroom and all "maybe when you turn 3 and a half, you'll go pee on the potty!" Like people thought I was diapering a 6 year old.
    Anyway. Good to write this down...I journal this kind of stuff for when they're teenagers and mad a lot ;)

  3. Hee hee! Big has the same sense of style. Only, he'd have the pants on backwards and inside out. I ALMOST let him wear the helmet to synagouge. But I did refuse to let him wear the 'suit' for biking.

  4. This makes me happy and giggle and nod knowingly because these little boys are amazing :)

  5. Corrine - I was reading your blog today (for some reason I'm having trouble commenting ... grrr) and Finn saw your pictures and said "Momma? Who's dat?" I laughed and said "That's Fynn!" and his eyes got wide and he said "There's another one of me?" LOL!

  6. Oh, he's awesome. Broccoli, huh?

  7. Such cute pictures, what is LOL, I am new follower.

  8. I love moments when you can curl up and just be together. No tv, no video games, no phones, no nothing. The sweetest conversations unfold during this time.

  9. Corrine - I was reading your blog today (for some reason I'm having trouble commenting ... grrr) and Finn saw your pictures and said "Momma? Who's dat?" I laughed and said "That's Fynn!" and his eyes got wide and he said "There's another one of me?" LOL!
