Click on the top picture to see the listing in my Etsy shop. To enter, please leave a comment below saying you would like to enter. Please let an email address where you can be contacted if you win! If you are more comfortable emailing me directly, please do so at: ellieandsteve@verizon.net.
This giveaway is open internationally.
The winner will be chosen on March 1st; my daughter draws a name from a hat.
Thank you!
Greta: "I don't think Ren's Dad is going to like that, Finn."
Finn: "I don't want to mahwee her Dad, I want to mahwee WEN!"It's a match made in heaven. Finn is utterly, completely content being stagehand to Ren's Director. Greta was a big fan of the idea, because then Ren's sister Mary, who is one of her best friends, would be her sister-in-law. I amused myself by picturing what sort of wedding Ren would want to have. It's hard to say, but I know there won't be any tulle involved.
And Damomma and I would be the mothers-in-law. How freaking awesome would that be? I've already picked out the hat I'll wear to their wedding:
Yes, that is permanent marker. And it's on the other side of his face, too. My little Einstein.
Greta said she wanted to draw a picture of me the other day. She said she was going to draw me, on a mountain top, with snow falling all around. She forgot to mention that she would be including one other little detail: what I am apparently thinking about when I'm standing on this mountain:
After a week of sickness, I ended up with the world's largest cold sore on my lip. Seriously, it's big. It has been kind of amusing to talk to people this week and watch them studiously avoid trying to stare at it. Last night I was lecturing Greta about one thing or another, when she put her hand up, and said "Stop, Mom. I just can't take you seriously with that THING on your face."
Parenting question I couldn't answer #435, from Greta: "Mom, who decides which words are bad words? Can I make up my own bad word and say it when I'm mad? Like, why can't 'glap' be a bad word?"
Sunday after church Greta is giggling to herself. I ask her why, and she says "Sometimes? When I'm in church? And it's quiet? I want to yell out "pooooooooop!"
Me to Greta: "Sometimes? When I'm in church? And it's quiet? I want to do that, too..."
It is 10pm, and I poke my head in the kids' room to check on them before heading to bed. Greta is wide awake, staring at the ceiling. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Can't sleep?" She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "No, I can't," she says. "It feels like my brain is doing the Cha-Cha."
It makes me so glapping mad when that happens to me.
"Isn't it great?" he asks, smiling.
I won't get in to my reaction - suffice it to say it wasn't graceful and it wasn't pretty. I ruined a beautiful Christmas morning because things didn't turn out like I expected.
I now think of this pin as the Angry Squirrel of Expectations. It's a reminder not to get too caught up in what I want life to bring me. That life will bring me what I need, even if it is in the form of one pissed-off-silver-plated-acorn-carrying squirrel pin.
This year at Christmas, when Steve handed me a little velvet box, I simply smiled. I didn't know what to expect, and it didn't matter. Greta and Finn knew what was in there, and were standing next to Steve looking at me expectantly as I opened it.
Inside was my wedding ring, the same one I had worn since we were married, but it was polished to perfection, gleaming and beautiful. Ten years of wear and tear had damaged it, made it scratched, bent, dull looking and chipped. A few weeks before Steve had asked me if he could borrow it to size something for me, and instead of letting my mind go into overdrive - a new band? a bigger diamond? a sparkling guard ring? I simply handed it over to him and forgot about it.
The irony wasn't lost on me: it was what I always had, only better.
Just like him.
Click on any picture to see the ring listed in my Etsy shop. To enter, please comment below indicating you would like to enter, and please provide an email address and which color you prefer (amethyst, aquamarine or sage green). If you are more comfortable emailing me directly, please do so at: ellieandsteve@verizon.net.
The winner will be chosen at random on February 15th; my daughter draws a name from a hat. I will email you if you win!