Sunday, May 27, 2012

Trip Around The Sun - My Blog's Birthday

It's my blog's birthday.

She's four.

Instead of engaging in my usual platitudes of how this blog has brought so much joy and goodness into my world, because you've heard them all before, I'm going to play you a song.  And I want you to listen to it, okay?  Because, if you're like me, you think 'ugh, song' and click away. But this is a good one.  One of the all time bests.

I do want to say - because I can't say it enough and I mean it from the bottom of my soul - THANK YOU.  Thank you so all of you who read, comment, email me, facebook me and send your words of encouragement.  Without exaggeration, I don't know how I would have gotten through the past seven months without you.   You rock.

And thanks for supporting my shop.  After my last post I was so overwhelmed by the response, by people posting on the faeebook and twitter pages, that I cried.  And then the orders came pouring in.  THANK YOU.

Now sit back, relax and enjoy one of the wisest, truest songs ever written.  It was written by Al Anderson, so he deserves the credit (the You Tube video of him singing it isn't as good - but if you want to hear it sung by the original master, you can find it there).

This version is sung by Jimmy Buffett and Martina McBride, and they're pretty cool, too.  This song has brought me through many dark days.  I think I had it on loop my first year of sobriety. when what I wanted more than anything was to have a year sober. And again these past seven months, when the perspective this song brings helped me so much.

Trip Around The Sun:


  1. Electric steel guitar makes my skin crawl. But I love the lyrics of this song! Especially "If there's one thing that I've learned from all this living, it's that it wouldn't change a thing if I let go." Wow!
    Thank you, Ellie. and Happy Bloggabirthday!

    1. Thanks, Judy.

      I am with you on the steel guitar - not my fave. That's why I like the Al Anderson version better (that's the one I have on my iPod). Here's a link to it if you're interested:




  2. Happy blog-aversary Ellie. I have been reading since day 1. Thank you for all you have shared in 4 years.

    Oh and that song. Tomorrow is one year since I lost my Mom. I can't tell you how apt that song was for me to hear today.

    But about that quote " ... wouldn't change a thing if I let go...". I may be daft, but I don't quite get it. I thought we SHOULD let things go. Or is that a way of saying really that HANGING on doesn't change anything so you may as well let go. Hmmm.

    Anyway, thinking about you in the coming weeks as I know your "one year" is also coming up very soon.

    1. Hi Konnie -

      I will be thinking of you and your "one year", sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way. I never fully appreciate how hard the anniversaries' are of losing a loved one close to you until I'm experiencing it myself, so I now how you feel, and it's REALLY hard.

      I interpret the song to mean the hanging onto things, trying to control or change things to make them go your way doesn't actually work, and leads to misery, so it's easier/better/more peaceful to let them go. For example I find myself wishing SO BADLY I could remember if my last words to my Dad were 'I love you'. I'll never know, and obsessing about it isn't helping, so I gotta let it go. That type of thing.

      Thinking of you not just tomorrow, but lots and lots.



    2. Thanks E. Ah, the regret that comes with loss. It's been one of the hardest things for me.

      To my mind, the lyrics should be "hanging on doesn't change a thing ..." but I admit I'm probably too linear in thinking.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Beautiful. Happy blog-iversary!

  5. Great song! Jonathan Edwards does a nice version, too.

    Many more trips for you, Ellie!

  6. Happy birthday! I loved everything about this song. So beautiful. Thank you for teaching us that we have to let go sometimes.

  7. See? It pays to ask for help. But it also pays to be a wonderful person like who you are to ask for help because we all love you so much.

    Check out Amazon Marketplace for your business. I will be placing orders soon. SO HAPPY you are doing so well these days.

    Hugs, love and healing prayers

  8. Happy crafty birthday Elly! (I know, but I had to end four consecutive words with "y"... for the four Years.) Yes, clever. Really nice song. Thanks for all the inspiration and meaningful reflections you have shared over the years. What joy you bring by your presence here! Though we've not met, it makes me happy to know you, and happier yet to know you are doing well!

  9. Happy blogaversary Ellie....

    I had never heard this song, but for years have been wishing people a happy and joy filled new trip around the sun...such a lovely way to put it.


  10. Great song choice. Truly this song motivates you to live a happy life.

  11. Happy 4th, you!

    And love the song! :)

  12. Happy 4th blog-birthday! I never heard this song before and I'm glad you shared it- will be searching it on itunes now :) Thank You! Take care and always thinking of you!! xoxo Dawn B.
