Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Need Your Help

As most of you know, I run another website called Crying Out Now.

It's a website where women come tell their stories of addiction and recovery.  Many of the women who post there are telling their truth for the first time ever; they can do so anonymously, if they wish, and it is growing community of women helping each other get, or stay, sober.  I am pleased that it has grown so much in the past year and a half, but I'm always interested in opportunities to spread the word, help more people who are struggling understand that they are not alone.

A local affiliate of CBS runs an annual contest for Boston's Most Valuable Blog, and this year Crying Out Now is a finalist in the Health & Wellness category. 

There isn't a big prize for winning, so that isn't why I'm asking for help - it's a great opportunity to get the word out there about Crying Out Now, and I'd love it if you could take 30 seconds to pop over to their website and vote.   There is no registration - it is literally ONE click, and you can vote once a day until September 9th.  

The contest has been running for a while (One Crafty Mother is also a finalist in the Life category, and you may have noticed the widget in my sidebar asking for votes) but I only found out about Crying Out Now's nomination yesterday.   Had I known it was nominated, I would have asked for votes there, instead of here, because Crying Out Now is really where I want recognition and growth.  Thousands of people across the globe read the site (even though it doesn't get a lot of comments, probably because of the subject matter) and I get several emails a week from women looking to post their story, or who just want to reach out to a comforting voice.

So, PLEASE, can you take a second to head over there and vote?  The link is here, or you can go to:

If you're in an extra generous mood and can help me spread the word about the contest link (or just link back to this post, if that's easier) through your Facebook pages or tweets, I would be so very grateful.  If you do tweet or FB about it, leave a comment below that you did and on Saturday I will randomly choose one person to win a $35 gift certificate to my Etsy shop (my daughter will pull a name from a hat).  

Thank you, so much, for your ongoing support.  It means so much so me, and it is helping many, many women learn more about alcoholism and find the courage to get honest and get help.

And if you are interested in posting your story at Crying Out Now - you don't need to be sober, you don't need to be a writer or a blogger - I would love to hear from you.  Click here to learn more.



  1. I voted and tweeted about it. @laanykidsmom

  2. Great resource - for so many the first step is quietly reading about other people's struggles, lurking on blogs and the like.

  3. I tweeted a link to this post. I don't usually do that, but I do love what you are doing at Crying Out Now and I want every woman who needs it to know about it.!/asmanyasgiven/status/112307278174097408
